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Zekeh S. Gbotokuma
Morgan State University
Publicado Novembro 13, 2019


Africa, Europe, migration, refugees, Global South, Global North, colonization, Black Atlantic, Black Mediterranean, United Nations, rights
Como Citar
Gbotokuma, Z. S. (2019). REVERSE SAFARI. REFLECTIONS ON FLIGHT AND MIGRATION FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTH TO THE GLOBAL NORTH. Revista De Estudios Africanos, 165–192. https://doi.org/10.15366/reauam2019.0.008


The post-colonial flight and migration from the Global South to the Global North are consistent with, and the consequence of European explorations, colonization, proselytism, and globalization. In the 15th century, virtually no Africans or Amerindians had ever dreamed of conquering or establishing themselves in Europe. In other words, post-colonial and post-Colombian migratory movements are a reciprocation of the colonial era’s hospitality. This reciprocation has occurred, for the most part, without imperial ambition or forced proselytism. It has been consistent with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Global South’s migratory movements to the Global North test the validity and limits of: (1) Judeo-Christian teachings about brotherly love and universal humanity; (2) some of the European doctrines, theories, and slogans such as French Universalism, “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité”;  (3) Western regional organizations such as the European Union and the meaning of freedom; (4) the USA’s Declaration of Independence and the meanings of “self-evident truth of universal equality and inalienable rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness”; (5) the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (esp. Art. 13) and the Geneva Convention of 1951; (6) globalization in light of the ‘Brexit’; (7) our commitment to multiculturalism, interculturalism, and international solidarity in a spider’s web-like and globalized society. With respect to the African case, it is plausible to argue that the “Black Mediterranean’ phenomenon is reminiscent of the Black Atlantic or the Middle Passage. Moreover, Africans’ emigration also means, to some extent, Africans’ visiting or reuniting with their fellow Africans who have been scattered throughout the world (Afrexit) since the early days of the humankind. This statement must be understood in the context of the fact that Africa is the cradle of humankind.


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