About the Journal
Peer Review Process
The Revista de Estudios Africanos publishes original academic articles that have been positively reviewed. To guarantee the quality of the journal in accordance with the criteria and standards of the evaluation agencies of academic publications, all papers received will undergo a double blind peer reviewing procedure, with the intervention of a third referee in case of divergence. The reviewers, external to the editorial board and the publishing institution, will be prestigious researchers in the various thematic areas of the journal. The journal will give an account of the date of receipt, review process and, where appropriate, acceptance of the paper. This data will also appear in the papers once edited for publication.
Publication Frequency
The yearly issue of Revista de Estudios Africanos is published in December.
Open Access Policy
The magazine allows open access to its contents, upon the assumption that offering free access to research favors the global exchange of knowledge. The contents of the journal are protected under a “Creative Commons –Reconocimiento –No Comercial 3.0, España” license. For more information, see the Aviso de Derechos de Autor section of our submission guidelines.
Publishing ethics
In its commitment to research excellence, the Revista de Estudios Africanos adheres to
the international code of ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics-COPE Code of Conduct and the Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors and to UAM Código de Buenas Prácticas de Revistas Electrónicas.
The Revista de Estudios Africanos only publishes original and unpublished articles and uses the TURNITIN anti-plagiarism tool. Manuscripts in which plagiarism is detected in whole or in part will either be dismissed for the publication process or retracted.
Authors are expected to comply with ethical research standards that include, among others, responsibilities such as the following:
.obtain the appropriate permissions to partially reproduce material (figures, images, tables or texts) from other publications and cite their source correctly.
.declare any situation that may involve a conflict of interest in connection with the manuscript submitted.
The list of the authors of an article should include only researchers who have contributed intellectually to its development. In general, to qualify as an author, the following requirements must be met:
.to have participated in the conception and design of the paper, or analysis and interpretation of the data.
.to have participated in the drafting the article or in revising it critically until its final version.
Authors are encouraged to include their ORCID code along with a brief bio-biographical note.
The Revista de Estudios Africanos declines any responsibility on possible conflicts derived from the authorship of the papers that are published in the journal, as well as on the published material.
The Revista de Estudios Africanos is not responsible in any case for the statements made by the authors in their papers. The statements and opinions expressed in the papers published in the journal are exclusively those of the authors.