The "Lepanto effect"

David García Hernán
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Published July 25, 2023


Lepanto, Philip II, Holy League, John of Austria, Ottoman Empire, Venice, Mediterranean, Marquis of Santa Cruz, Ruy Gómez de Silva, Golden Age literature, battle, battle paintings, logistics
How to Cite
García Hernán, D. (2023). The "Lepanto effect". Librosdelacorte.Es, (26), 210–225.


This work intends to show through some significant aspects that the battle of Lepanto, far from being considered a useless confrontation without any transcendence, as traditional historiography has been saying, had important implications. The new cultural history and the very rich panorama of cultural representations on the event that are being studied in recent years, allows us to approach new perspectives quite enlightening; as well as other aspects that introduce us to the real global political context of the moment, and also important practical dimensions, such as the development of logistics. This allows us to approach, with the help of some original documents not known up to now and beyond a simple -opportunist- look at the later events, to the true meaning of the Christian victory.


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