About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The criticism and information on the current literature in the Humanities has been drastically reduced in recent times. The sections of books and culture are disappearing in daily press to make room for entertainment. Meanwhile, cultural journals are diminishing their critical contents and academic journals only collect critical information of bibliographic novelties concentrating their attention on the publication of research results. Likewise, this loss of space is affecting to the visibility and prestige of the Humanities. At the same time, these gaps affect a real need: that of being informed of currents and schools, of what is done and published, of the discussions that dominate the current historiographical, artistic, philosophical or literary panorama.

For this reason, LibrosdelaCorte.es aims to contribute to reversing that negative trend by filling part of the gap and giving birth to a living activity, full of debates, ideas and projects. The journal has an interdisciplinary vocation in history, literature and art and it is devoted to the court studies as both a topic and an approach. It aims to be a forum for the debate on new proposals, methods and topics around court history.

Finally, it pretends to be a repository of book reviews to update the state of the art and the latest discussions.

Peer Review Process

The secretary will be responsible for the first phase of revision. It will be verified that the paper fulfills the editorial norms and is congruent with the objectives of the journal.

In a second phase of revision, the Editorial Board will decide whether the paper is accepted or rejected. If the article is rejected or needs modifications, the author will be informed as soon as possible, explaining the cause.
After passing the evaluation of the Editorial Board, the papers will be evaluated by at least two experts in the subject external to the journal (external peer review). These reviewers are responsible for evaluating the convenience of the publication and may suggest appropriate modifications.

Every judgment and finding in the peer-review process must be objective; reviewers must have no conflict of interest and should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited. Finally, reviewed articles must be treated confidentially prior to their publication.

The evaluation process and the resulting reports will be totally anonymous (double blind). These reports are sent to the author by email as well as the date of publication of the accepted articles. If the author has to modify the text to adapt it to the modifications indicated by the evaluators, s/he will have a maximum term of 20 days from the reception of the reports, to send it back to the journal (*).

(*) The inclusion of the papers will ultimately depend on Editorial Board agreement and the established publication deadlines; exceeding these, papers will be published in the following numbers.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate and free open access to its content, based on the
principle that providing the public with free access to research helps to increase global knowledge sharing.

Plagiarism Control

In order to ensure the academic integrity of the publication, Librosdelacorte.es uses the Turnitin application. It allows reviewing documents for detecting incorrect citations or



Publication Policies

Librosdelacorte.es is an online journal under OAI protocols that is published, among others, through the Institutional Repository of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Biblos-e Archivo. In addition, the journal is part of important repositories of scientific production such as Dialnet and DOAJ.

The journal has a fixed biannual publication periodicity (2 issues spring-summer/autumn-winter, appearing in June and December). However, it exceptionally publishes monographic issues responding to the need of covering specific scientific productions in the field of Humanities.

With the publication of his/her work, the author accepts the reproduction, transformation, distribution and public communication of the material deposited in these media, and the subsequent use of such work under the terms of a Creative Commons license: BY NC ND


This journal does not charge authors any fees for the submission or processing of articles.



The journal Librosdelacorte.es is published by the Instituto Universitario "La Corte en Europa"; (IULCE-UAM)