N.º 7 (2018): Bachillerato Internacional: Pionero en Educación Supranacional


Maripé Menéndez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), España
Publicado Julho 16, 2018


International Baccalaurate (IB), Primary Years Programme, Key competences, Primary Education, Curriculum.
Como Citar
Menéndez, M., & Manso, J. (2018). THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAMME IN SPAIN: A COMPLEMENTARY CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education, (7). https://doi.org/10.15366/jospoe2018.7.006


To date educational reforms have not yet succeeded in addressing the standstill average results of Spanish children on different international assessments. Some schools in Spain are implementing the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme in primary education, as a curriculum framework that aligns with the skills, attitudes and knowledge students need in order to become active citizens in a globalized world.

This exploratory research is set out to investigate how the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) is being implemented at Spanish schools. Although the community of IBPYP schools is still very limited in Spain and amounts a total of 18 schools, the current education law (LOMCE) has increased the level of school autonomy and therefore schools have the opportunity to look out for other educational frameworks. The IB is forecasting an increasing number of schools seeking to implement the PYP programme and this research aims to gain a deeper understanding of how schools might integrate the programme while complying with Spanish regulations. To do so, this research paper applies the comparative method based on 7 parameters that allow comparison between the Spanish national curriculum and the IBPYP framework.

This research highlights as main finding, a clear possibility for any school to complement both curriculums. Moreover, and in concrete, the IBPYP may be considered as an engine to complete some aspects non-addressed by the national offering in relation to international standards of an up-to-date and future education.




Não há dados estatísticos.


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