N.º 16 (2022): Educación y democracia global


Diop Thierno
Publicado Dezembro 26, 2022


Democracy, Human Rights, Capitalism, Africa, education
Como Citar
Thierno, D. (2022). DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, NEW TRAPS FOR AFRICA. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education, (16), 73–86. https://doi.org/10.15366/jospoe2022.16.005


Through a careful analysis, the author reveals that human rights and democracy are the new traps used by the ruling classes of the Western countries allied to internal social forces, since they decided to integrate the African continent in the capitalist world market, according to modalities corresponding to the different phases of capital accumulation. These traps prevent Africans from making the painful ruptures essential to changing their living conditions and their being.
From this analysis, the author wonders about the role that a critical education can play for an awareness that is not only of Africans, but also of all humanity. Indeed, there is a need for a critical education not to be a facade, but really to ensure a global interaction leading to a true democracy which, on the other hand, still awaits its appropriate political-educational theorization a hundred years after John Dewey. Given that Africa is not separated from the rest of the world by a "wall of China", such a theorization must be well elaborated to avoid two things, as Aimé Césaire has clearly seen: locking oneself in the particular or to dilute in the universal


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