No 7 (2018): Bachillerato Internacional: Pionero en Educación Supranacional


María del Carmen Sáez Ortega
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), España
Publiée juillet 16, 2018

Mots-clés :

Sustainability in IB, International Baccalaureate, Eco-schools, Education for sustainable development and Integration.
Comment citer
Sáez Ortega, M. del C., & de la Morena Taboada, M. (2018). EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education, (7).


In our times, there is an urgent situation, which is affected by inter-continental issues related to the environmental situation. Problems such as the lack of water, pollution or global warming are directly or indirectly affecting to some areas in our planet, some of them really damaged already. Further, some sectors of humanity are making an urgent call to make actions and therefore a change in our mentalities. For that reason, the international educative community feels their responsibility as formers of students of the presents and adults for the future. The intention of this paper is to diffuse and to summarize common methodologies used in Education for Sustainable Development, observe different roles in school communities and their collaboration in ESD and how international educative programmes, and more in particular the International Baccalaureate aids and develop those green influences at schools with its pedagogy, statements and mission with their particular global perspective.



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