No 16 (2022): Educación y democracia global


James Biddulph
University of Cambridge Primary School
Publiée décembre 26, 2022

Mots-clés :

Research-informe practice, Creativities, Spaces, Agency, Intercultural
Comment citer
Biddulph, J. (2022). INTERCULTURAL CREATIVE LEARNING: NEW SPACES FOR NURTURING COMPASSIONATE GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education, (16), 13–28.


The University of Cambridge Primary School is the first University Training School in the United Kingdom. Designed to be bold, innovative, ambitious and inclusive, the school’s practice is an example of research informed practice to build the capacity among teachers to become research generating. The article guides the reader through reflexive moments in the lived experience of the school, its Headteacher (the author) and teachers and children. The emphasis on space making opens up opportunities to discuss the necessity of enabling spaces that foster listening, uncertainties and possibilities-thinking. A new project is introduced to show the innovations that arise from a culture in which releasing the imagination is vital.


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