No. 7 (2018): The International Baccalaureate: Pioneer in Supranational Education


Tania Alonso Sainz
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), España
Published 16 July 2018


IB, international education, learners’ profile, holistic education, global education
How to Cite
Alonso Sainz, T., & Garrido Martos, R. (2018). THE IB STUDENT IN SPAIN. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education (JoSPoE), (7).


The Diploma of International Baccalaureate (IB) in Spain started in the 80’s. Since then, the number of students enrolling in this program has grown exponentially, and therefore its implementation has been extended through many schools. This article explores IB Diploma students’ profile in Spain in State Schools. First of all, the paper will offer a synthesis of the historical development of the program around the world. Later, it will focus on the pedagogical approach and student’s profile that it fosters. After that, it will expose the IB student’s profile in Spain looking at the following aspects: who study it, what is its perception about its learning process, what is its perception about teaching and assessment methodologies, and how its civic competence is. The results show that in IB students in Spain in more skillful than non-IB students, they are more prepared to solve real-life problems and they are more engage with the social context. Furthermore, they are quite satisfied with the learning they receive, based on collaborative approaches and moreover they consider that IB assessment is active and competency.



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