No. 7 (2018): The International Baccalaureate: Pioneer in Supranational Education


Maripé Menéndez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), España
Published 16 July 2018


Honesty, International Baccalaureate, learner, ethic, dishonesty, misconduct
How to Cite
Menéndez, M., & Valle, J. M. (2018). ACADEMIC HONESTY IN K-12 EDUCATION: THE CASE OF THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education (JoSPoE), (7).


We are disconcerted at reports and news regarding misconduct at all levels in society. Academic honesty is no longer the sole property of academicians but a value of all societies in the world and a magnifying mirror of work ethics. Educational systems have the responsibility to embed academic honesty principles at the core of their curriculum design so future generations understand the authentic construction of meaning and learning and how to advance and create knowledge. The International Baccalaureate is an example of an educational system that has embedded academic honesty through its standards and practices and through the IB learner profile which are shared by IB World Schools all around the world. Adapting a history and documentary research approach, this paper aims to study how the International Baccalaureate promotes academic honesty at K-12 education.




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