No. 16 (2022): Education and global democracy


Daniel Komo Gakunga
university nairobi
Published 26 December 2022


Education, Educator, Exchange, Democracy, Globalization
How to Cite
Gakunga, D. K. (2022). The EXPERIENCES OF AN ENGAGED EDUCATOR IN THE PRACTICE OF EDUCATION AND GLOBAL DEMOCRACY. Journal of Supranational Policies of Education (JoSPoE), (16), 29–41.


This paper presents the practice of Education and Democracy as experienced by one engaged educator in South Sudan, Rwanda, and Kenya. The paper seeks to demonstrate the extent to which educators can practice or experience the benefits of global democracy as practiced in various countries. The author is a renowned scholar with over 30 years of teaching experience of which 17 years have been at the university level. The author has also engaged in a variety of academic research and participated in several national and international conferences where has shared his vast experience as an educator and researcher. However, this paper will seek to explore the understanding of the practice of education and global democracy by focusing mainly on the experience of the author on retraining of teachers in the Republic of South Sudan (2011) and academic staff exchange progamme organized by the Inter-University Council of East Africa (IUCEA) in Rwanda (2019). In order to demonstrate the experience of global democracy in education, the paper will demonstrate the comparative dimensions in the practice of global democracy. The experiences shared here are hoped to enrich the global debate on education and globalization which has been underpinned in global democracy.


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