Vol. 2 (1999): Ša tudu idu. Estudios sobre las culturas antiguas de Oriente y Egipto. Homenaje al Prof. Ángel R. Garrido Herrero
II. Irán

Madaktu and Badace

Publiée février 25, 2016
Comment citer
Potts, D. T. (2016). Madaktu and Badace. ISIMU, 2, 13–28. https://doi.org/10.15366/isimu1999.2.002


In a recent study devoted to a strategic analysis of Assurbanipal's eighth campaign, J.M. Córdoba sounded a justifiable note of caution regarding the identification of Madaktu. One of the principal cities of Elam and a royal "Residenzstadt", Madaktu was the subject of a general study in 1986 by Pierre de Miroschedji. Recent scholarship suggests, however, that his identification of Madaktu with Tepe Patak has not received general acceptance by Assyriologists. Nor has the collateral problem of identifying Badace, a toponym mentioned by Diodorus (XIX.19.1) in his account of the conflict between Antigonus and Eumenes in 317 B.C., with Madaktu and hence with Tepe Patak been accepted by Classicists and ancient historians. The present study has therefore been written in the hope that some further clarification of the identification of Madaktu/Badace is possible provided the Assyrian and Greek sources are read judiciously. and the geography of Susiana is kept clearly in mind.


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