Vol. 24 (2021): e-nu-ma e-liš la na-bu-ú ša-ma-mu. Homenaje a Rafael Jiménez Zamudio

Rose, J., Hilbert, Y., Marks, A., & Usik, V, The First Peoples of Oman: Palaeolithic Archaeology of the Nejd Plateau. Summertown: Archaeopress, 2019

Alicia Alonso García
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Walter Andrae (1902). Dragón mušhuššu de la puerta de Ištar. Acuarela y grafito
Publié-e juillet 3, 2023
Comment citer
Alonso García, A. (2023). Rose, J., Hilbert, Y., Marks, A., & Usik, V, The First Peoples of Oman: Palaeolithic Archaeology of the Nejd Plateau. Summertown: Archaeopress, 2019. ISIMU, 24, 207–211. Consulté à l’adresse https://revistas.uam.es/isimu/article/view/16701




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