Vol. 7 (2004): La Arqueología reencontrada. Homenaje a Paolo Matthiae en su sexagésimo quinto aniversario (I)
2. Anatolia y el Cáucaso

Pre-Urartian Armavir

Published February 18, 2016
How to Cite
Karapetyan, I., & Kanetsyan, A. (2016). Pre-Urartian Armavir. ISIMU, 7, 49–62. https://doi.org/10.15366/isimu2004.7.003


Based on the thorough examination of remainders of the Early Bronze, Late Bronze, and Early Iron Ages gained from the expedition to the monument of Old Armavir, including its hills, sacred stones, caves and a holy grove for divinition, the researchers claim that the territory of the hill of Armavir was populated since the end of the IVth millennium BC. The hill was considered a holy place, and the ceremonial complex located here served as the religiouscenter of this part of the Ararat Valley


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