Vol. 1 (1998): Actas del I Symposium Internacional. Una década de estudios sobre el Oriente antiguo (1986-1996)
I Sesión. Siria durante el II y I Milenio

Architettura Paleosiriana: tradizione locale e influenze esterne nella tecnica edilizia

Publicado febrero 26, 2016
Cómo citar
Baffi Guardata, F. (2016). Architettura Paleosiriana: tradizione locale e influenze esterne nella tecnica edilizia. ISIMU, 1, 33–49. https://doi.org/10.15366/isimu1998.1.004


Archaeological evidence proved that in the Middle Bronze Age in Syria they were builded monumentally with a peculiar technique; particularly are used materials what even if always present in the region, in the Early Bronze Age were used less frequently. The material in increasing quantity is the stone, and from a text of archaeological data in cities like Alalakh, Ebla and Tell Tuqan has possible to ascertain workmanship of limestone in the regionwas speciality of an artisan class, experienced ti realize very exacting works, that produced monumental buildings.



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