Vol. 2 (1999): Ša tudu idu. Estudios sobre las culturas antiguas de Oriente y Egipto. Homenaje al Prof. Ángel R. Garrido Herrero
X. Ciencias físicas, naturales y exactas

Levantamientos topográficos en la III Campaña de Excavaciones en Tell Mahuz - Iraq I

Publicado febrero 25, 2016
Cómo citar
Fernández Pareja, T., García Gómez, F., & Menasalvas Valderas, C. (2016). Levantamientos topográficos en la III Campaña de Excavaciones en Tell Mahuz - Iraq I. ISIMU, 2, 599–603. https://doi.org/10.15366/isimu1999.2.043


In the third campaign of the archaeological excavations performed in Tell Mahuz (September-October 2000), a group of Surveying engineers has taken part, whose aim has been the mapping of Tell and its environment. The surface to be represented exceeds 100 hectares.  This article highlights the peculiarities to take into account when mapping an archaeological site, and it describes the fieldwork carried out during the campaing.


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