Vol. 5 Núm. 2 (2018)

MINI-CORPUS del español para IPIC

Publicado octubre 10, 2018
Cómo citar
Nicolás Martínez, C., & Lombán Somacarrera, M. (2018). MINI-CORPUS del español para IPIC. CHIMERA: Revista De Corpus De Lenguas Romances Y Estudios Lingüísticos, 5(2), 197–215. https://doi.org/10.15366/chimera2018.5.2.002


The paper presents the IPIC extension to a Spanish mini-corpus, conceived and tagged according to the L-AcT criteria and comparable with the Italian and the Brazilian Portuguese mini corpora already stored in the Data Base. IPIC was created by the LABLITA team for grounding the cross-linguistic comparison of Information Structure in spontaneous speech and can be applied to corpora, collected according to a similar corpus design and size (approx. 5000 reference units). The reference units of speech analysis (utterance, stanza) are identifying through terminal prosodic breaks and aligned to the corresponding sound. In turn, reference units are segmented through non-terminal prosodic breaks in information units that are tagged according to the L-AcT repertory of information functions. The paper shows typical Spanish examples of each information unit type, detailing in the case also their specific terminology. The corpus informationally tagged allows to carry out a solid and deep analysis also at the grammatical and lexical levels of spoken Spanish.


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