Vol. 40 (2021)

The beauty of the ugly: re-reading the "Persiles" episode in Rome in the light of "The Spanish English Lady"

Ruth Fine
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Portada del Volumen 40 de Edad de Oro
Published November 25, 2021


The Spanish English Lady, The Trails of Persiles and Sigismunda, beauty, ugliness, poetics of border crossing
How to Cite
Fine, R. (2021). The beauty of the ugly: re-reading the "Persiles" episode in Rome in the light of "The Spanish English Lady". Edad De Oro, 40, 343–354. https://doi.org/10.15366/edadoro2021.40.017


The present work analyzes the specular relationship between two episodes present in The Spanish English Lady and the Persiles respectively: the poisoning of the heroines, which results in the loss of their beauty and their near death. I claim that both representations of a transitory ugliness configure a game of parallels and mirroring inversions, which constitutes a call to reflection on the paradoxes of the opposites beauty / ugliness both in these novels and beyond. Finally, it will also be suggested that these episodes convey projections of a meta-poetic order, responding in their modalities to the Cervantine aesthetics that I identify as the poetics of border crossing.


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