Vol. 40 (2021)

The deceptions of Don Quixote. Tension of narratives lines

María Stoopen Galán
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Portada del Volumen 40 de Edad de Oro
Published November 25, 2021


narrative lines, domestic line, chivalrous line, narrative tension
How to Cite
Stoopen Galán, M. (2021). The deceptions of Don Quixote. Tension of narratives lines. Edad De Oro, 40, 289–300. https://doi.org/10.15366/edadoro2021.40.014


Starting from the first chapter, the diegetic universe of Don Quixote is built on two basic narrative lines that, throughout the story, intermittently maintain a tension between them: the domestic one, formed by characters who share daily life with the hidalgo, and the chivalric one, instituted by the same hidalgo turned knight errant. Throughout the story, in the two parts of Don Quixote, the characters of the domestic line will try to reincorporate the hidalgo to domesticity, for them a promise of sanity, and will use different methods to achieve it. Here I will deal with analyzing those strategies in Part One, as well as the narrative tension they create and the success or failure they achieve.


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