Vol. 40 (2021)

Andrea Alciato’s book of emblems in the National Library of Spain

Sagrario López Poza
Universidade da Coruña
Portada del Volumen 40 de Edad de Oro
Published November 25, 2021


Andrea Alciato, Emblem Studies, Emblem books, National Library of Spain, Printing press 16th to 18th centuries, Humanistic scholarly commentaries
How to Cite
López Poza, S. (2021). Andrea Alciato’s book of emblems in the National Library of Spain. Edad De Oro, 40, 137–158. https://doi.org/10.15366/edadoro2021.40.006


In the late 15th and early 16th centuries, printers were exploring formulas to publish a fashionable genre, that of illustrated proverbs, which were in demand for their didactic-moralizing interest. They rehearse procedures that are specified in the emblem books, whose immediate success (by bringing image and word together) makes them a genre that is both literary and editorial. This article presents an introduction to the emblematic modalities to focus later on the Emblematum liber by Andrea Alciato, considered as the first book of emblems (1531), and focuses on its publishing success, the production of scholarly commentaries on it and its printed diffusion, as well as the translation of the work into Spanish. Finally, the editions (and copies) of Alciato’s work (until the 18th century) are reported, as well as some manuscripts, preserved in the National Library of Spain.


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