No. 38 (2019): Mujer e inquisición en las letras áureas

Behind the Witchcraft Conspiracy in Cartagena de Indias (1634-1636): Retractions, Prison Spaces, and Torture

Ana María Díaz Burgos
Oberlin College – Ohio, OH, EE.UU.
Published October 31, 2019


witchcraft conspiracy, retraction, torture, Cartagena de Indias
How to Cite
Díaz Burgos, A. M. (2019). Behind the Witchcraft Conspiracy in Cartagena de Indias (1634-1636): Retractions, Prison Spaces, and Torture. Edad De Oro, (38), 315–327.


Between 1634 and 1636, the inquisitors found out a «conspiracy of witchcraft» in the Tribunal of the Holy Office in Cartagena de Indias. According to them, the con­spiracy consisted of the retractions of several female prisoners related to their previous confessions of having been involved witchcraft, while they were in the penance prison. The retractions threatened the Inquisition’s legitimacy insofar as they undermined the 1633 witchcraft trials. As a consequence, the inquisitors carried an exhaustive investigation to control and reveal the origin of the retractions and the development of the conspiracy. This article draws on the records of Rufina and Justa —two free mulatto sisters— who participated in the conspiracy. It explores the extent to which the architectural layout of the Inquisition’s prisons influenced the creation and rupture of the alliances that briefly allowed prisoners like Rufina and Justa to contest the legitimacy of their own witchcraft trials. In addition, it analyzes the physical challenges these women faced as prisoners, and analyze the inquisitors’ use of torture as a means to solve the conspiracy.


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