Vol. 41 (2022)

Variations on Blood: For a Biopolitical Reading of the Wit of the Jews in the Examen de ingenios para las ciencias

Davide Aliberti
Universidad de Nápoles "L'Orientale"
Published October 24, 2022


biopolitic, Jews, blood, Wit, medicine, conversos, inquisition
How to Cite
Aliberti, D. (2022). Variations on Blood: For a Biopolitical Reading of the Wit of the Jews in the Examen de ingenios para las ciencias. Edad De Oro, 41. https://doi.org/10.15366/edadoro2021.41.006


In 1575 the Navarrese physician Juan Huarte de San Juan demonstrated, in his Examen de ingenios para las ciencias, that Jews were the most apt for the practice of medicine and the «stain» they carried in their blood was not indelible, contradicting the central postulate of the theories on the purity of blood. This contribution proposes a re-reading of the chapter dedicated to the Jews in Huarte de San Juan’s work, reframing it in the period of the birth of biopolitics in Spain and highlighting the discursive strategy employed by the author to achieve his aim.


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