No. 45 (2019)

Chronology of the Prehistory in the Iberian Peninsula and Geographic Information Systems in the Archaeological Record

Alfonso Alday
Universidad del País Vasco
Juan Carlos Mejías-García
Universidad de Sevilla
Published December 12, 2019


14C, Prehistory, Iberian Peninsula, GIS
How to Cite
Alday, A., & Mejías-García, J. C. (2019). Chronology of the Prehistory in the Iberian Peninsula and Geographic Information Systems in the Archaeological Record. Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, (45), 9–26.


The text presents a collaborative project that combines a C14 database of the Prehistory of the Iberian Peninsula and the Shared Archaeological Information System -SIAC-. It is structured in five sections: genesis, construction, visor, reflection and exploitation and a case study: the analysis of caves with funeral records. The project offers, today, more than 8,400 c14 dates from the Iberian Peninsula (and the Balearic Islands): complex queries are possible, offering the answers in standard formats for use by the researcher. The database is accessed from two web addresses: and It is a collaborative project, and any user can propose new dates or make changes. On the other hand, thanks to GIS software, cartographic outputs of the queries are offered. We also inform about the characteristics of the repository and we reflect on its potential.


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