Vol. 50 No. 1 (2024)

The beginnings of sedentism and metallurgy in mid?west Iberia: the Chalcolithic site of Castillejo (Villasbuenas de Gata, Cáceres)

Published June 29, 2024


chalcolithic, enclosure, sierra de Gata, archaeobotany, copper metallurgy
How to Cite
Tejerizo-García, C., Losilla Martínez, N., Duque Espino, D. M., Alonso Toucido, F., Castro González, M. G., Ros, J., Larreina García, D., Rodríguez González, C., Prieto Martínez, M. P., Sánchez Polo, A., Rodríguez Franco, I., & Iglesias Ordóñez, P. (2024). The beginnings of sedentism and metallurgy in mid?west Iberia: the Chalcolithic site of Castillejo (Villasbuenas de Gata, Cáceres). Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, 50(1), 39–63. https://doi.org/10.15366/cupauam2024.50.1.002


We present in this paper the first results of the ongoing archaeological excavations at the site of Castillejo (Villasbuenas de Gata, Cáceres). Excavations have unearthed a small ensemble of domestic structures as well as a potential fortification in the upper part of the site. These have been dated in the middle Chalcolithic though the study of the material culture and the radiocarbon dating. Furthermore, the abundance of archaeological material have resulted in a wide range of analyses, including the pottery ensemble, the lithic industry, the constructive mud, archaeobotanical record such as charcoal and seeds as well as an archaeometallurgical analysis of a copper drop. All this evidence shows the importance of Castillejo as a relevant fortified site which aimed at the territorial articulation and the metallurgic control of the area, adding a valuable information to an area with a lack of information for the period.


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