The IUCN Macaronesian Islands Plant Specialist Group: Applying updated scientific results to improve the conservation status of insular floras
décembre 19, 2022
Comment citer
CAUJAPÉ-CASTELLS, J., MOURA, M., SILVA, L., ROMEIRAS, M., & FERNANDES, F. (2022). The IUCN Macaronesian Islands Plant Specialist Group: Applying updated scientific results to improve the conservation status of insular floras. Conservación Vegetal, (26), 51–52. Consulté à l’adresse
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Romeiras M, Catarino S, Gomes I, Fernandes C, Costa JC, Caujapé-Castells J & MC Duarte (2016) IUCN Red List assessment of the Cape Verde endemic flora: towards to a Global Strategy for Plant Conservation within Macaronesia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 180: 413–425
Silva L, Martins M, Maciel MGB & M Moura (2009) Flora vascular dos Açores. Prioridades em conservação. Azorean vascular Flora. Priorities in conservation. Amigos dos Açores & CCPA, Ponta Delgada