No. 26 (2022):

The future is today: the challenge of an energy transition compatible with biodiversity conservation

Universidad de León
Universidad de León
Universidad de León
portada CV26
Published December 19, 2022


conservation, green energies, environment, sustainability, energy decarbonization, conservation, green energies, environment, sustainability, energy decarbonization
How to Cite
ALFARO-SAIZ, E. ., ALONSO VILLADANGOS, Y. ., & ACEDO, C. . (2022). The future is today: the challenge of an energy transition compatible with biodiversity conservation. Conservación Vegetal, (26), 17–21. Retrieved from


We are immersed in the necessary resolution of two major global crises: the biodiversity crisis and the climate emergency, which requires a necessary paradigm shift of unprecedented magnitude. This challenge is being and will be the focus of current and future European, national and territorial policies. In the fight against decarbonization, energy produced from renewable sources is one of the key elements, yet its adverse effects are being underestimated in terms of biodiversity loss and, even less so, in terms of the impact on habitats and plant species. However, today more than ever, decision-making will inevitably and, in some cases irreversibly, have an impact on conservation, and therefore decision-making based on the best and most up-to-date scientific knowledge is necessary


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