The conservation of crop wild relatives and the need to publish data according to the FAIR principles
linked data, EURISCO, crop wildAbstract
Crop wild relatives (CWR) are a source of genes for plant breeders. Thus, their conservation is essential to warrant food security, especially in the present context of climate change. With this purpose, a national strategy has recently been approved that includes the creation of a network of CWR genetic reserves, among other actions. In parallel, a new pilot project has just started with the aim of expanding the European Search Catalogue for Plant Genetic Resources (EURISCO) with a new section that includes information on crop wild relatives (CWR) conserved in situ. This new section
aims to follow the so-called FAIR principles (for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). The greater data availability will facilitate the monitoring of key CWR populations and will offer easy-to-access information to potential users in search of new resources for plant pre-breeding
and breeding programs.
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