Vol. 10 (2023)

Functions of Anticipatory Completion in Mandarin Chinese

Jia LI
Gifu shotoku gakuen university
Published July 24, 2023


joint utterance, anticipatory completion, prosody, Mandarin Chinese
How to Cite
LI, J. (2023). Functions of Anticipatory Completion in Mandarin Chinese. CHIMERA: Romance Corpora and Linguistic Studies, 10, 155–178. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/chimera/article/view/16725


This study investigates anticipatory completion in Mandarin Chinese (Lerner 1991), adhering to the previous study of conversation analysis in studies of English and Japanese (Lerner 1991, 1996; Lerner & Takagi 1999; Hayashi 2003, 2017), combined with an examination of prosodic features using Praat (Boersma and Weenink 2018). To examine underexplored questions of joint utterance construction in Mandarin Chinese, 17 natural two-party face-to-face conversation recordings from 30 Mandarin Chinese speakers are utilized. The findings indicate that anticipated completion can be observed in Mandarin Chinese in diverse activity contexts. The data exhibit six functions. These functions are identified in relation to their different forms and the position inside interactive conversations. The results show that multiple resources, including syntactic, lexical, and prosodic features are important for accomplishing anticipatory completion and play a key role in understanding the functions of anticipatory completion.


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Edited books

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Theses or dissertations

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