Palabras clave:
spoken corpus, semi-directed interview, conversation, Galician Spanish, POS-taggingResumen
ESLORA is a corpus of Spanish made up of semi-directed interviews and spontaneous conversations recorded in Galicia between 2007 and 2015. The design and construction of the corpus meets three objectives: to register the use of a variety of Spanish which to date has been scarcely documented, to gain additional insight into the methods for the construction of spoken corpora, and to develop computational tools for corpus search. The paper presents the main characteristics of ESLORA and the criteria followed in the corpus building process. It also includes a brief description of the tools used to build the corpus and how they work together to achieve the project needs and, moreover, it shows that the decisions taken at various stages of the compilation of the corpus are closely related to the wide range of possibilities for retrieving the lexical, grammatical and contextual information provided by the materials.
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