noviembre 11, 2015
Palabras clave:
Anglicism, light verbs, deverbal nouns, suffix, loan
Cómo citar
Romero Lesmes, M. D. (2015). Las construcciones con el verbo hacer y un anglicismo nominal en -ing. CHIMERA: Revista De Corpus De Lenguas Romances Y Estudios Lingüísticos, 2, 35–48. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.uam.es/chimera/article/view/2244
In this article, the constructions with light verbs are described as understood by different authors, such as Cattell (1984), Piera & Varela (1999) or Alonso Ramos (2004), among others. Later, the text characterizes formations with light verbs hacer and, to a lesser extent, dar followed by an Anglicism with the suffix -ing: hacer un catering or hacer surfing. In addition, the article includes the syntactic and semantic characteristic of such structures. Finally, a corpus includes the most common examples of these constructions.
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