Vol. 9 (2022): Le patologie del linguaggio: studi e risorse tra crossdisciplinarità e interdisciplinarità

Sindrome dell’accento straniero: Una prospettiva sociolinguistica

Sabina Fontana
Università degli Studi di Catania
Alessandro Panunzi
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Valentina Saccone
Università di Firenze
Publicado julio 31, 2022

Palabras clave:

Foreign Accent Syndrome, Italian varieties, perception test, sociolinguistics
Cómo citar
Fontana, S., Panunzi, A., & Saccone, V. (2022). Sindrome dell’accento straniero: Una prospettiva sociolinguistica. CHIMERA: Revista De Corpus De Lenguas Romances Y Estudios Lingüísticos, 9, 129–145. https://doi.org/10.15366/chimera2022.9.006


Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS) is a rare acquired syndrome caused by a stroke or trauma that specifically affects the speaker’s accent. To date, there is little consensus on the nature of this disorder, although FAS has been primarily viewed as a disorder of linguistic prosody in 93% of cases (Coelho & Robb 2001). The case study presented here explores a shift from a Sicilian to a North-East variety of Italian accent and compared the acoustic-articulatory properties of the FAS variety with the major varieties spoken in Veneto. Native listeners’ perception was also analyzed through a perception test on samples of speech from different varieties of Italian. The analysis, conducted with the Praat software, has shown that the FAS speaker uses a variety that has some Sicilian and some North-East traits. In addition to the neurological substrate underlying FAS, psychological and sociolinguistic factors, such as status and prestige, might be also taken into account in this case. Translationally, data collected through an ethnographic approach, such as that presented in this report, may reveal a type of FAS speaker that has not been identified yet. Further reports and integrated multidisciplinary approaches are needed for systematic categorization.


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