Vol. 7 (2020)

La competenza fraseologica in italiano lingua straniera tra i livelli elementare e intermedio: Un approccio per bigrammi

Simone Torsani
Università di Genova
Publicado diciembre 18, 2020
Cómo citar
Torsani, S. (2020). La competenza fraseologica in italiano lingua straniera tra i livelli elementare e intermedio: Un approccio per bigrammi. CHIMERA: Revista De Corpus De Lenguas Romances Y Estudios Lingüísticos, 7, 107–132. https://doi.org/10.15366/chimera2020.7.005


Phraseology constitutes an indisputably important area of language proficiency. Among the methods devised to explore this domain, semiautomated analysis of learner corpora has yielded important findings, especially in the case of intermediate and advanced levels. This paper investigates phraseological competence in Italian as a Foreign Language between the A2 and B1 levels of the CEFR. We collected 160 texts based on different combinations of task difficulty and learner level and we compared, through two-way Anova tests, the different groups. Results show that A2 leaners produce more non-collocational bigrams with respect to other groups, but when they attempt a B1 task they experience difficulty in producing high frequency bigrams. Implications for instruction and further research are discussed.
