Palabras clave:
period, parataxis, literary corpus, point of view, punctuationDerechos de autor 2020 CHIMERA: Revista de Corpus de Lenguas Romances y Estudios Lingüísticos

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The paper presents a corpus-based research (GRITTEXT) on modern Italian literary texts. According to a writer-oriented framework, it is aimed to analyse the writer's thought movements while he is composing instead of considering the communicative effects of the text on the reader. The period is the linguistic unit of reference chosen for analysis and is identified by strong punctuation marks (dot, question mark, exclamation point, sequence of dots). It is not necessarily composed by a sentence, since it can correspond to a set of clauses and any kind of phrases. The research made emerge the pervasiveness of parataxis in literary texts. Two or more independent syntactic constituents can be connected within a period only through weak punctuation marks (comma, semicolon, colon). Each constituent corresponds to a semantic scene characterized by an autonomous point of view depending on the protagonist, the narrator or the same writer. The paratactic period is a style device to express within a same representation the narrative joints arising to the writer in the course of writing but above all the different perspectives of each scene that are also temporally ordered. The paratactic period corresponds to a unitary multi-focus, multi-modal, multi time representation whose truth value cannot be verified unlike a proposition
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