Vol. 14 No. 1 (2021)
Estudios e investigaciones


Juan Diego Blas Fernández
Comité Olímpico Guamalteco
Published June 26, 2021


Olympic education, athletes, models, Classroom Champion, Mi amigo Olímpico, national committees
How to Cite
Blas Fernández , J. D. . (2021). THE SIGNIFICANCE OF ATHLETES AS ROLE MODELS IN OLYMPIC EDUCACION TEACHING. Citius, Altius, Fortius, 14(1), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.15366/citius2021.14.1.002


The core of the Olympic idea is thus to do with the Olympic education rather than the Olympic Games. For Pierre de Coubertin the Olympic Games were an external motivation, every four years, for the world´s youth to present the results of its education in the spirit of the Olympic ideals (Naul, 2008). Taking this in count we have to turn our priorities to teach and promote the Olympic Education and Olympic Values instead of only focusing on the high performance of the athletes at all costs. It might be considered that most NOCs focus on getting the so called “results” which are qualifying and winning Olympic medals, instead of focusing on social impact results that benefit our societies. This can be achieved in several ways, but we will be addressing the importance of athletes as role models in teaching Olympic Education in this case of study. The first role of the NOCs is to promote the fundamental principles and values of Olympism in their countries, in particular, in the fields of sport and education, by promoting Olympic educational programs in all levels of schools, sports and physical education institutions and universities (Carta Olímpica, 2019). I present the following question: Who is better than the athletes to be set as role models and teach this principles and values in the schools? Kids admire and look up to the athletes, in our experience not only Olympians and Paralympians, but any athlete that represents the country and wears the national uniform.  Using the power of the athlete’s voice to teach these principles and values is a way in which we can permute the Olympic Values more easily on the youth. We will also be analyzing the impact that “My Olympic Friend”, Olympic Education program of the Guatemalan Olympic Academy, has had in the Guatemalan youth by using the athletes as mentors in the schools. Athletes have the power to inspire, persuade and influence. Let’s use this to retake the philosophy of Coubertin that the Olympic Movement is mainly an educational movement. 


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