Vol. 17 No. 2 (2024)
Estudios e investigaciones


Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Published January 6, 2025


Applied ethics, Ethics in sports, Ethics certification system, Ethics flag
How to Cite
NOVAIS LIMA, J. C. (2025). ETHICS FLAG AND ETHICS APPLIED TO SPORT. Citius, Altius, Fortius, 17(2), 37–51. https://doi.org/10.15366/citius2024.17.2.003


Sport, as a human activity, is not immune to the problematic of dilemmas and that is why it is discussed whether it meets the conditions or circumstances that also make it an object of ethical reflection. In this article I intend to reflect on whether sport meets the necessary conditions to be the object of an analysis in the field of applied ethics. With this purpose, and in accordance with a conceptual perspective, influenced by the philosophical perspective of Cortina and Camps, I will try to establish the necessary conditions so that a human activity such as sport can be study object of applied ethics.

Once this premise has been established, I will present the Ethics Flag, a pioneering and innovative system for certifying good practices for the promotion of ethical values in the field of sport, as an example of how sport can be ethically influenced. Thus, from a structural point of view, this article has two large blocks, in the first part, the notion, characteristics and method of applied ethics will be analyzed, trying to justify, if possible, an ethics applied to sport. In the second part, I will present the Ethics Flag, as a pioneering and innovative tool for the certification of good practices and the development of ethics applied to sport.


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