Vol. 15 No. 2 (2022)
Estudios e investigaciones


Kyran Tannion Rodríguez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published December 27, 2022


sport, inclusion, Olympism, psychoeducation
How to Cite
Tannion Rodríguez, K. . (2022). "MENTE SANA": THE VALUES OF OLYMPISM IN THE ALCOBENDAS HANDBALL CLUB. Citius, Altius, Fortius, 15(2), 47–50. https://doi.org/10.15366/citius2022.15.2.005


"Mente Sana" is a pilot project developed by the Alcobendas Handball Club in collaboration with The Poul Due Jensen Foundation that is based on the values ??of Olympism. This initiative involves the activation of the Psychology Department within the club with a fundamental objective: to promote among athletes, coaches and managers the acquisition of knowledge and skills for day-to-day sports and life. There is a solid commitment that aims to ensure the comprehensive development of the people who are part of the club through psychoeducation from an active learning model. Thus, club members receive training and counseling in group and individual sessions. In addition, the project has two other core concerns: social scholarships and adapted handball. In order to respond to the vulnerable socioeconomic situation derived mainly from the pandemic, "Mente Sana" considers that athletes at risk of poverty and social exclusion can receive scholarships and be followed up during the season. On the other hand, the club aspires to offer a space for the development of sports activities for people with functional diversity. Regarding adapted handball, beyond the continuous sports practice, the club seeks to raise awareness and promote inclusiveness.


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1. Fuentes Primarias

COI (2020). Carta Olímpica. Comité Olímpico Internacional. Recuperado de: https://bit.ly/3tgD1nR

2. Referencias Bibliográficas

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