Vol. 14 No. 1 (2021)
Publicaciones fuera del ámbito de investigación


Francisco Montañés Gómez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Álvaro Benito Martín
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
David Lara Sevilla
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Javier Rodríguez Camacho
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published June 26, 2021


Olympic Movement, Olympism, Olympic sport, Olympic i, Olympic history
How to Cite
Montañés Gómez, F. ., Benito Martín, Álvaro ., Lara Sevilla, . D. ., & Rodríguez Camacho, J. . (2021). HISTORICAL AND CONCEPTUAL REVIEWS OF THE OLYMPIC IDEOLOGY, THE OLYMPIC MOVEMENT AND THE CURRENT EVOLUTION OF SPORT. Citius, Altius, Fortius, 14(1), 39–57. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/caf/article/view/14174


Among the works proposed for the sport history subject we found the idea of elaborating a bibliographic review of the Olympic ideals, the Olympic movement, and the evolution of sport. The situation of the 2020 pandemic led us to carry out this work which, together with its possible publication, encouraged us to investigate this topic. The Olympic Charter brings together the ideals of the different sectors that make up the Olympic movement. In it we can discover how the Olympic Creed has been built over the years, what are the values on which Olympism is based. Since the creation of the IOC in 1894 until today, many presidents have adapted Olympic ideals to the circumstances of society. We will highlight Pierre de Coubertin as the promoter and second president of this movement. Also, Juan Antonio Samaranch, for being Spanish, for achieving its financial viability -thus allowing its sustainability- and for creating such an important body as the World Anti-Doping Agency. We will develop what are the characteristics that a sport must have to be Olympic and how sport promotes education, the development of youth and the search for perfection and how it seeks honesty and cooperation. Finally, of the many functions that are associated with sport, we will see that, due to the characteristics and ways of understanding such an activity, but also because today it is considered essential to enjoy good health and perfect aesthetics. the most important ones in today's society are the hygienic and agonistic functions.


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