Vol. 11 No. 2 (2018)
Estudios e investigaciones


Ivan Coste-Manière
Asociación Francófona de Academias Olímpicas
Published December 21, 2018
How to Cite
Coste-Manière, I. (2018). SPORTS, OLIMPISM AND YOUTH. Citius, Altius, Fortius, 11(2), 19–22. https://doi.org/10.15366/citius2018.11.2.003


This paper focuses on the debate, reflections and recommendations which were the result of the work carried out by the Francophone Discussion Group number 1 in the 14th Joint International Session for Presidents or Directors of National Olympic Academies & Officials of National Olympic Committees, held at the headquarters of the International Olympic Academy in Olympia (Greece) from May 6 to 13, in 2018. He has been cited as author of the text that summarizes the content of that joint work Mr. Iván Coste-Manière, since he is the author of the text and its writing, carried out the work of collecting and writing the content of the deliberations and was commissioned of the presentation of the summary thereof before the General Assembly.

Key words: Olympism, Olympic Values, Olympic Movement


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