n. 27 (2021)

Values, goals and benefits of university research: The Public health perspective

Vladimer Luarsabishvili
New Vision University
Maia Kiladze
The University of Georgia
Portada del número 27 de la revista
Publicado junho 14, 2021


values, university research, Public health
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Luarsabishvili, V., & Kiladze, M. (2021). Values, goals and benefits of university research: The Public health perspective. Bajo Palabra, (27), 291–306. https://doi.org/10.15366/bp2021.27.015


Public health as a healthcare system discipline is supported by the evidence-based biomedical research. Scientific discoveries or improvements are made by experiments and clinical trials with different research designs, and are analyzed by complex methods of statistical assessment. Research conducted at university is of particular interest, as it is a place with a wide selection of laboratorial and/or clinical facilities and a research staff. University research aims not only to accumulate new data but also to disseminate it among students by teaching. As the university community is based on the creation and extension of certain values admitted by all its members, university research brings into life new perspectives for research and founds the ways to benefit all members of both biomedical and non-biomedical society. Values as the main characteristics of modern civic society are important both from research point of view and of its perspectives. Thus, public health research may be transformed into an effective tool to rethink the assessment of old values and a formation of new ones.


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