Dewey, Russell, public intellectuals, cultural dialogue, China and the WestCopyright (c) 2022 Ramón del Castillo
Este trabalho está licenciado sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The aim of this paper is a reconsideration
of John Dewey’s stay in China,
an experience abroad that influenced
enormously in his intellectual and human
development. Our approach will
be comparative, assessing his model of
cultural dialogue through a contrast between
his attitudes and actions in China
and Bertrand Russell’s ones. We think
that, thanks to this thorough comparative
research, we make much clearer their
respective conceptions of the role that intellectuals
could play in international political
sceneries. One hundred year after
they arrived to and thought about China,
we think that this often-unknown
chapter of the history of intellectuals can
be particularly relevant for ensuing surveys
of cultural studies and sociology of
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