N. 32 (2023): ¿Por qué la filosofía es importante para la política? ¿Por qué es importante la política en la filosofía?

Capital, fictions, and ecology

Slavoj Zizek
o-Director at the International Center for Humanities, Birkbeck College, University of London.
Pubblicato giugno 6, 2023

Parole chiave:

Political Economy, Marx, Capital, Ecology, Ideology
Come citare
Zizek, S. (2023). Capital, fictions, and ecology. Bajo Palabra, (32), 19–36. https://doi.org/10.15366/bp2023.32.001 (Original work published 5 giugno 2023)


Marx's critique of political economy describes the expanded reproduction of the capital as the basic reality of our societies, and it may seem that Marx ignores two main externalities of the social reproduction of the capital, the domain of symbolic fictions and nature, the presupposed habitat of every social activity. 

This impression is wrong. Marx's capital discovers fiction in the very heart of the circulation of capital: what he calls "commodity fetishism" is a symbolic fiction which is not just an ideology . it structures the very social reality of the capitalist process. Plus ecology was in the very center of Marx's preoccupation in the last decade of his life: he clearly saw how the expanded capitalist production leads to a rift between society and nature, a rift which threatens the very survival of human species. For Marx already, socialism was eco-socialism.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Johnston, A. monumental Infinite Greed (manuscript). Personal Comunication.

Lebrun, G (2004) L’envers de la dialectique, Paris: Editions du Seuil

Marx, K (1970) A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, New York: International Publishers

Marx, K (1963) Theories of Surplus-Value, Moscow: Progress Publishers

Marx, K & Engels, F (1969) Selected Works, Volume 1, Moscow: Progress Publishers.

Marx, K (1999) Tha transformation of money into capital. In Capital. Volumen I. Available in: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch04.htm

Pippin, R (2022) The Return of metaphysic: Hegel vs Kant. Available in: https://iai.tv/articles/the-return-of-metaphysics-hegel-vs-kant-auid-2032?_auid=2020

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