No. 32 (2023): ¿Por qué la filosofía es importante para la política? ¿Por qué es importante la política en la filosofía?

Planetary Memory and Trans-species Immunity

Chun-Mei Chuang
Soochow University in Taipei, Taiwan
Publié-e juin 6, 2023

Mots-clés :

Diffraction, Immune paterns, Planetary memory, Trans-species inmunity
Comment citer
Chuang, C.-M. (2023). Planetary Memory and Trans-species Immunity. Bajo Palabra, (32), 185–202. (Original work published 5 juin 2023)


Drawing on Vladimir I. Vernadsky, Lynn Margulis, Alfred N. Whitehead, Karen Barad, and relevant immunological studies, this paper proposes a trans-species noösphere, embracing the zoe-techne of innumerable nonhuman lifeforms, especially infinitesimal microscale agents, viruses included. In doing so, I also articulate the coevolutionary perspective of diffractive mattering on planetary life, map several diffraction patterns of immunity, and present a possibility of political life as a heterogeneous co-constitution.


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