No. 27 (2021)

Hegel’s Philosophy or the Spiritu in Search of Definition

Antonio Gutiérrez Pozo
Universidad de Sevilla
Portada del número 27 de la revista
Published June 14, 2021


Hegel, spirit, philosophy, estrangement, self-recognition, definition
How to Cite
Gutiérrez Pozo, A. (2021). Hegel’s Philosophy or the Spiritu in Search of Definition. Bajo Palabra, (27), 389–410.


According to Hegel the spirit is duplicated, that is, it is made by reflecting on itself, turning its being-in-itself into being-for-itself. But, on the one hand, to know oneself, to become an object of itself, implies to alienate itself, to become another. On the other hand, the spirit can recognize oneself in the other only if the other is also oneself. There can be self-recognition only in estrangement when this estrangement is not radical. The goal of the Hegelian spirit is to understand and define itself. This total definition is achieved in philosophy. The history of philosophy is the progress in self-understanding and realization of the spirit. This history and the spirit are consummated when the philosophical understanding of spirit is achieved. This occurs in Hegel’s philosophy.


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