No. 23 (2020): Monográfico: Migraciones y fronteras de la justicia

The structural perspective of justice and migrants

Francisco Blanco Brotons
Instituto de Filosofía del CSIC
Portada del número 23 de Bajo Palabra
Published November 16, 2020


global justice, social structure, structural injustice, globalization, migrants, global justice, social structure, structural injustice, globalization, migrants
How to Cite
Blanco Brotons, F. (2020). The structural perspective of justice and migrants. Bajo Palabra, (23), 163–186.


Rawls defined justice as a virtue of the basic structure. The characteristics by which he interpreted it, however, imposed severe limitations on the theory of justice in terms of its ability to confront the new problems we face in our globalizing world. One of them is that of the injustices suffered by the growing number of international migrants, about which Rawls' theory is silent. In this article an alternative structural approach will be presented and, in order to evaluate its critical potential, we will apply it to the case of the injustices suffered by migrants. The aim of this text is to provide a more adequate theoretical approach from which to address one of the most pressing challenges in our world.


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