No. 23 (2020): Monográfico: Migraciones y fronteras de la justicia

Borders, Mobility and Citizenship

Isabel Turégano
Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha
Portada del número 23 de Bajo Palabra
Published November 16, 2020


Borders, citizenship, democracy, transnationalism, cosmopolitanism
How to Cite
Turégano, I. (2020). Borders, Mobility and Citizenship. Bajo Palabra, (23), 131–162.


Border studies have shown it as a social and political construction, of a dynamic nature and a field of tension and conflict. This work tries to apply the border approach to the concept of citizenship. Citizenship as a closed and complete formal condition is questioned and it is presented as an open and unfinished normative project. In it, rights constitute the ethical basis on which the processes of expansion and extension of citizenship that break the moulds of the sedentary model of political community take place. But it is its political dimension that shows the need to broaden inclusion in a political-legal order capable of protecting and guaranteeing them. The link with the State does not disappear, but it is integrated into a multilateral citizenship system that can only be reached from the progressive expansion of cosmopolitan experiences.


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