No. 23 (2020): Monográfico: Migraciones y fronteras de la justicia

From the migration crisis to the systemic crisis: forced displacement in the terminal crisis of capitalism

José Antonio Zamora
Instituto de Filosofía - CSIC
Portada del número 23 de Bajo Palabra
Published November 16, 2020


migration, capitalism, refuge, crisis
How to Cite
Zamora, J. A. (2020). From the migration crisis to the systemic crisis: forced displacement in the terminal crisis of capitalism. Bajo Palabra, (23), 49–72.


The migration and refugee crisis that Europe has been experiencing since 2015 can only be understood within the crisis of the neoliberal migration regime. At the same time, this crisis brings together the most important elements of the systemic crisis that capitalist societies have been suffering since the 1970s and which was exacerbated by the financial crash of 2008. The reaction of the rich countries to the forced displacements is another sign that the majority reaction to the system crisis is leading to a dead end.


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