No. 22 (2019)
I. Filosofía moral, política y del derecho

100 years after the Constitution from Weimar what do we have left? The controversial heritage of Carl Schmitt

Guillermo Andrés Duque Silva
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Cristina Del Prado Higuera
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Published November 22, 2019


Carl Schmitt, Germany, Liberalism, Constitution, Weimar
How to Cite
Duque Silva, G. A., & Del Prado Higuera, C. (2019). 100 years after the Constitution from Weimar what do we have left? The controversial heritage of Carl Schmitt. Bajo Palabra, (22), 271–290.


Few moments in modern age are as convulsive and decisive like the Weimar Republic. Beyond a particular crisis in German history, the political vicissitudes of Weimar Republic make up a "Gordian knot" in which ideological threads are woven together that, intermittently, they remain valid. In this paper we examine the contribution of the main representative of contemporary decisionism: Carl Schmitt. The document analyzes the richness of the Schmittian heritage and its validity in the 21st century.


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