No. 22 (2019)
I. Filosofía moral, política y del derecho

Social control policies and global justice. The border as an intersectional device for the production of injustices

Francisco Blanco Brotons
CSIC. Instituto de Filosofía
Published November 18, 2019


globalization, borders, social control, injustices
How to Cite
Blanco Brotons, F. (2019). Social control policies and global justice. The border as an intersectional device for the production of injustices. Bajo Palabra, (22), 189–202.


This paper will analyze three dynamics of injustice that characterize the role of walled borders in our contemporary world. This analysis will be carried out through a critique of the concept of "no man's land" which, as it will be defended, serves to hide the mechanisms of social control that are put into operation through these devices, as well as the agents involved in them. These dynamics will be systematized, according to the analytical framework proposed by Nancy Fraser, distinguishing distribution, recognition and domination.


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