No. 22 (2019)
I. Filosofía moral, política y del derecho

Berkeley: on Civil Authority and Secular State

Alberto Luis López
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Published November 18, 2019


Social and Political Philosophy, Secular State, Civil Authority, Religion, Freethinking, Society
How to Cite
Luis López, A. (2019). Berkeley: on Civil Authority and Secular State. Bajo Palabra, (22), 131–146.


Berkeley’s social and political writings play an important role in his philosophy although, surprisingly, has been little studied by scholars. This lack of scholarly attention is a deficiency because such writings are not only interesting, but even more essential for understanding Berkeley’s philosophy as a whole, since point toward the same goal that his epistemological and metaphysical writings serves, namely, consolidate his apologetic and humanist project. This paper focuses on that forgotten part of Berkeley’s philosophy and aims to explore a little researched topic but recurrent in his social and political writings, namely, that of the Civil Authority and the Secular State.


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