No. 21: La Teoría Crítica de una orilla a otra
Criticism in its aesthetic dimension

The effect of reality and the politics of fiction. Notes on the aesthetic model of politics in Th. Adorno

Laura Elena Flórez Hincapié
Universidad Johann Wolfgang Goethe de Frankfurt am Main
Published July 25, 2019


Frankfurt School, Aesthetic theory, Theodor Adorno, artistic praxis, Critical Theory
How to Cite
Flórez Hincapié, L. E. (2019). The effect of reality and the politics of fiction. Notes on the aesthetic model of politics in Th. Adorno. Bajo Palabra, (21), 185–198.


The art-political relationship was one of the central theoretical points of the Frankfurt school, most recognized in some of its members as Walter Benjamin and Herbert Marcuse. Theodor Adorno's aesthetic stance, however, has been recognized for rejecting such a direct relationship between social praxis and artistic praxis. This argument, based on the interpretation of the autonomous nature of art as opposed to the political potential of technical reproducibility for its massification, left Adorno's aesthetic reflections on the development of contemporary art history, criticism and philosophy behind. This is the point I want to make here. I intend to show how the critical model of artistic praxis as political praxis is postulated in the adornian aesthetic, so much so that in the Aesthetic Theory of Adorno an aesthetic of the political can be found, an idea under which a great part of the current discourses on contemporary art are constructed.


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